"It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely." --Leo F. Buscaglia, 1924-1998
Your Donation enables the Always Ayelet Foundation to prevent and eradicate all forms of Human suffering and chaos at its core, locally and around the World.
Always Ayelet Foundation, Inc. is an American nonpartisan exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductable to the extent allowed by law.
It is the mission, duty and purpose of the Ayelet Foundation to address, educate, coordinate, and provide aid and relief to correct the imbalance of the absence of truth and prevent and eradicate all forms of human suffering and chaos at its core, Balancing Life with Love®, locally and around the World.♥
Ayelet Foundation Programs Include:
Always Ayelet Foundation provides education, guidance and direction on living a Love Centered Life® via holism and truth, through the dissemination of facts, charts, graphs, statistics, and the proven proactive innovative approach to developing True Connections™. We provide presentations which focus on the causes, current efforts and solutions to chronic chaos, disease and all forms of human suffering throughout the World.♥
It is our goal to bring awareness from every medium possible and this does not exclude documentaries and photos of our activities, projects, programs and expeditions. By documenting and reporting our efforts we intend to broaden our outreach. These multimedia features will be recorded during the aforementioned activities and will be available to the public.♥
The Ayelet Foundation aims to provide relief to communities, families, and individuals in times of crisis via One-on-One coaching, Mentorship, and Direct Aid, and will offer preventative Personal Empowerment and Relationship Enhancement Services to individuals, families, and organizations via Memberships, along with Education Programs via Speaking Engagements, Workshops, Seminars, and Multimedia. The Foundation will have a Discretionary Fund to distribute direct aid to individuals, families, and organizations in need, on a case by case basis upon approval and resolution of our governing board.♥
The Ayelet Foundation aims to provide disaster relief aid to the severely disadvantaged who are affected by either a lack of existing community resources or a lack of funding and supplies to existing local infrastructures in the time of need. The Foundation operates and focuses its resources locally and globally to communities who meet the aforementioned criteria regardless of their geographical location.♥
Always Ayelet Foundation, Inc. was established in the Spirit of Tikkun Olam ("Repairing the World") to correct the imbalance of the absence of TRUTH and prevent and eradicate all forms of Human suffering and chaos at its core, Balancing Life with Love® locally and around the World.
Tikkun Olam (Hebrew: literally, "repair of the world"). In the modern era, tikkun olam is the tenet that we all bear responsibility not only for our own moral, spiritual, and material well-being, but also for the good of society at large. When One is first responsible for One's self, One does so for the sake of all Humanity. Therefore, individual sovereignty is requisite to serving the greater good, since the whole is only as great as the sum of its parts.
Human civilization is comprised of individuals aggregated into couples, families, communities, societies, and nations. If the individual, the primary component of Humanity is breached, we cannot expect the hierarchy of our Civilization and LIFE to be ONE.
98% of personal relationships fail. With these staggering statistics, it is no wonder that the World is awry and Humanity faces the greatest opposition ever to threaten us.
When we are ONE, we are connected and impervious. Relationships fail because they are rooted in the absence of TRUTH. Illustrating revolutionary insights and paradigms, Always Ayelet promises transformation of the individual, and thereby, the macrocosm that is the collective consciousness of LIFE.♥
Always Ayelet Foundation, Inc. is an American nonpartisan exempt non-profit organization which is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes including for such purposes, the making of distributions to individuals or others that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
The funds received through the entirety of the organization’s activities will be used exclusively for the purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and will not be used for personal gains of any sort.